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第15号 : 小田桐弘子教授定年退職送別記念 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/448

タイトル: On Understanding Sensation and Desire
その他のタイトル: センセーションと欲望
著者: Sherriff, Daryl
発行日: 2005年2月28日
出版者: 福岡女学院大学人文学部
抄録: What is the role of sensation in our lives and what precisely is desire? Is there any link between the two? This paper tries to answer these fundamental questions through an examination of the works of Jiddu Krishnamurti. The main points he makes in this regard are that having sensations is an underlying feature of humanity and that it is the manipulation of sensation by thought that creates the seemingly compelling flame we call desire. In coming to some awareness of sensation, of what gives rise to it, of what it is, and in coming to see how absolutely central it is to our status as human beings, we open ourselves up to the beauty of an amazing mechanism. But as we watch more carefully, we see that the sensations can get played with, coaxed or worked on in some way, which is the very generation and process of desire. Understanding this process in practice, which means actually taking the time to look, allowing a space between sensation and the in-rushing thought can free one from the compulsion this combination may hitherto have brought with it. Such understanding can act as a release from the need to either pursue or suppress desire.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/448
出現コレクション:第15号 : 小田桐弘子教授定年退職送別記念


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